RTK 1.2.0 Released

The RTK consortium is pleased to announce the release of RTK v1.2.0. The new release is the result of our continuous efforts to improve the platform.

The main features that have been developed since the previous release are:

  • CMake option "RTK_TIME_EACH_FILTER" to separately time each RTK filter in an application
  • Various improvements on projection weighting with offset detectors
  • Added 4D Ordered Subsets SART application
  • New python wrappings for SimpleRTK
  • Added "--weights" option in rtkconjugategradient to allow weighted least squares optimization, with either standard or preconditioned conjugate gradient (using the "--preconditioned" flag)
  • New "--like" option in many applications, to read the output dimension, spacing and origin from an existing image
  • Added Iterative FDK application
  • Added "--idvf" option in rtkfourdrooster, to use inverse-consistent DVFs (one with "--dvf", the other with "--idvf") to speed up inverse warping
  • Added "--clipbox" option to rtkamsterdamshroud to crop the shroud based on a 3D clipbox
  • Added rtkoverlayphaseandshroud, which creates an image on which it is easy to evaluate the quality of the phase estimation
  • Added optional laplacian regularization to 3D conjugate gradient reconstruction
  • Many bug fixes

RTK is available for download from the download page. It is also available through GIT